CUEF General Terms and Conditions

€20 of application fees are added to the total amount of booking fees. These fees are applicable for the university year underway (September to August) and under no circumstances are refundable.
Full payment of the course must be made before the session starts.
The fees indicated do not include student life fees (CVEC) and university fees (mandatory for DUEF, DSA, Cap'FLE and DU LLFC students).
Social security (French health insurance) is mandatory for non-European CUEF students who are enrolled for 3 months or more.
Civil liability insurance is mandatory for CUEF students who are enrolled for 3 months or more and/or housed through the CUEF, no matter what the duration of the stay.
All classes offered by the CUEF are opened subject to a minimum number of participants.
The volume of hours of the language stay may include the induction procedure (welcome, test, visit[s]).
For students arriving after the course starts, they will only be able to access the course if there are spots available for their level and only if they arrive in the first two weeks of the session. Otherwise, they will have to wait until the next session opens.

Booking fees (deposit) are deductible from the total course cost but are non-refundable (except in the event of a rejected student's visa). The fees for the language course are non-refundable except in the event of a rejected student's visa, accident or serious illness, application accepted to continue studies at Université Grenoble Alpes, emergency (e.g. death of a parent). Application fees are non-refundable.
All requests for reimbursement must include justification and be sent to the CUEF Management Board. Payment in full is due for any language course started.

Enrolment in DUEF classes is subject to achieving level B1 in the CUEF positioning test. Otherwise, students will have to take an intensive class for the duration of the initial enrolment and settle the price difference.

A 20% reduction is awarded to students enrolled at UGA.
Published on  July 11, 2022
Updated on November 7, 2024